sábado, 3 de enero de 2009

30 Day Photography Challenge-Day 3

Third photo. It is a macro of a broom.

Definitely i need tips for getting a focused image. Please?

13 comentarios:

  1. Pretty colors and lines :) Some tips would be to have enough lighting so you can have a faster shutter speed. A tripod can help a lot, or just do what I do and place the camera on a stable object like a table or a stack of books. Also, the smaller the ISO, the less grainy the photo. Hope I helped :)

  2. At least I know what this item is! - and it's turned out really abstract!

  3. My guess is that you are too close to the subject to get a focus. It looks like the few bristles we can see towards the back of the brush actually are in focus.

    If you are shooting with a camera capable of maunal focus, use that for macros. the set it for minimum focus distance and move the camera in and out until you see what you can get in focus.

  4. I kinda like this one even though it's not in focus all over. It's like a painting in its impression.

    But I do agre with MrN, that you are a little close.

  5. Interesting shot! I like the orange coming through.

  6. I like this one the best of your so far.....it's very abstract and I find the soft focus quite appealing

  7. Nice use of discordant (some call it complimentary) colors -- orange & blue with green accents.

  8. I like the green and blue together, a good abstract shot - you're doing fine, keep going!

  9. Interesting subject. Like you I'm tempted to go to close sometimes which makes me end up with to grainy photo's and/or trouble focussing. But sometimes I don't care as I occasionally like the bonus of noise.

  10. I'm with Kim - I love this one even though it's not technically perfect. Really nice abstract effect from a common object. Lovely job.

  11. I guess I really can't add anyting useful, so I'm just here to say 'hi' :P
