lunes, 19 de enero de 2009

30 Day of Photography Challenge-Days 12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19

Oops. I forgot to upload the phtos for many days. I'll try to don't forgot again. Okay, here they are

Day 12: A car wheel.

Day 13: Owl Ornament Number One. I'm egtting out of ideas. I'll search for more interesting subjects.

Day 14: Decorational holiday bells. A bit out of season, but it is okay for me.

Day 15: It were a quick shot. I was in a rush, and it don't were as i expected. It is the phone close-up

Day 16: Faucet.

Day 17: Guitar cords. Colorful guitar.

Day 18: Owl Ornament Number Two.

Day 19: Home keys


7 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Just re-doing my comment as I didn't realize I couldn't comment on them individually.

    Day 12: You have some interesting details here although I find the blue line distracting.

    Day 13: If you stood a white piece of paper behind the ornament you would get rid of the distracting background and the eye would naturally be drawn more readily to the ornament.

    Day 14: You haven't still got your decorations out have you????

    Day 15: That's an interesting angle you've used on this one.

    Day 16: Very every day subject matter! Really brings out a down to earth atmosphere.

    Day 17: This is very effective. I especially like that yellow background. It works really well with the colours on the guitar.

    Day 18: Ditto day 13.

    Day 19: I think that the composition is both solid and very balanced on this picture and therefore pleasing to9 the eye.

  3. I like the guitar strings best of these. The colours are great and the DOF works well.
    The ornaments look cool. You must have heaps to look at on your shelves! ;-)

  4. All these shots have their own particular charm but my fave would be the guitar photo because of its wonderful blend of colors and it's so simple and neat.

  5. I think my favorite is also the guitar....the colors are lovely and your focus is great.

  6. That first little owl looks familiar...did it come from a box of tea? The guitar is also my favorite, I like the colors.

  7. Nick - Im sorry I havent been commenting, but I couldnt figure out HOW to comment on your blog!
    I see there is just one place to do it. I wish you would get the rest of your shots on your blog!!
    Congratulations on finishing!!!
